Home Automation early experimentation
Years ago I made several prototypes of controllers and actuators. Here are described the first experiments and technologies used. From the first rough initial attempts, until a first suite of devices based on Microcontrollers.
Read moreYABOT My Jubbot Bot Project
My personal interpretation of the classic walker BOT. 4 wheels, 2 steering in a mixture of LEGO, screws and glue. Something completely different from the commercial template like floors scrubbing robot.
Read moreYAOSD Underbelly OSD PAL/NTSC
The design of this OSD is derived from a need of my client who works in the sector of video services. He had to add titles on video sources PAL/NTSC because the titler in his video camera was very basic.
YADP Project Status 29/12/2013
The current status of the project is shown in the first video posted.
The video is available at this URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaYbqcIn0QI
For the CU, before proceeding to the full implementation of the communication protocol, it needs to add an RTC and its backup battery. So I will verify that the new interrupt line is completely processed. Current date and time will be displayed on the service LCD display.
For the Mains Power Actuator, the small transformer should be substitute with a transformerless and decoupled solution. Decoupled transformerless has to continue to work with the zero crossing detection part.
Finally, the output current must allow the proper functioning of the micro and RF transmitter.
In the preparation version of this actuator for wall outlets.
Stay tuned!
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